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Artificial Intelligence and Other True Stories about our Technological Future

Our May luncheon with Dag Kittlaus, one of the co-founders of Siri, was a thought-provoking and exciting event entitled “Artificial Intelligence and Other True Stories about our Technological Future”. Dag told the story of Siri’s birth and childhood and explored the incredible technology breakthroughs that will shape our future sooner rather than later including AI, Nanotechnology and Biotechnology followed by a Q& A session. Dag was the CEO and Co-founder of Siri before selling it to Apple in 2010 where he ran Siri and speech recognition working closely with Steve Jobs until the initial launch in 2011. Dag is currently the CEO and Co-founder of Viv Labs which was acquired by Samsung in 2016 to create and scale the next generation of AI Assistants.

April 11

Signature Luncheon with Governor Hickenlooper

August 16

Backstage Event at Dazbog Coffee